Summer ran in the Kathmandu 5k race. It was hilarious how Nepal tried to block traffic for this. They could only do it for about an hour, so the poor marathoners had to run in the traffic. Our run was fun. We had the typical things of Nepal going on during our run. For instance, we had to run around street dogs, trash piles (see pic), street sweepers sweeping the dust right on you as you ran, motorcycles who got through the ropes, and many more things. The finish line(see pic) was in the National Stadium, so it was fun to stay and watch the half marathon runners come in. Unlike in American races, there was no food, juice, etc. afterwards, even though the main juice company here was sponsoring the race. They only had some jugs of water that everyone shared drinking out of, which is a common way of drinking here. Nepali people always drink like this, they just don't touch their mouths to the cup, bottle, whatever. I ran with three other girls and we ran as the Lazy Gringo team so we all ran in our Gringo shirts. It was an experience I will always remember.
Extra: I added a picture of me running along the route that my friend took. Yes there is a many riding a bicycle right next to me and random people walking along the route. Like I said, Nepal did the best they could to block the route!