We Long For The Day When Christ's Glory Floods The Himalayas
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
We enjoyed our time in India because the city we were in had a bizarre without traffic. There is no such place in Kathmandu. In Kathmandu, even if it says no bikes (meaning motorcycles) there will still be motorcylces, cars, richshaws, bicycles, etc. So it was nice to walk and shop and eat at little coffee shops that gave balloons to your kids and just do normal things that we can not do in KTM. They even had a Dominoes Pizza, which for those of you that do not know, Nepal has no fast food chain of any kind. We ate at Dominoes three times within one week! We did tourist things like visit waterfalls and parks and the kings palace. We stayed in our friend Tashi's family's hotel. Tashi is Lhakpa's wife from the previous post. Everyday we got to see the mountain Kanchanjanga, which is the third highest mountain in the world. That was a beautiful site. Although it took all of 7 hours total from Kathmandu to Gantok, it was a fun trip.
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