Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Party Cornhole tournament

Cornhole was a new game for many of the Nepali/Tibetan guests that were at the Easter party, but they really enjoyed it. It was a great icebreaker for getting to know our guests.

Easter Outreach Party

We hosted an Easter Outreach Party. After a feast, Bo shared the gospel truth to the lost and then we played egg games with the kids and had a cornhole tournament. This was a great time to share with our new friends about the Resurrection Day.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tibetan Wedding

We were invited to a Tibetan wedding of our Tibetan language teacher. The katas, blessing scarves, you see are a tradition. Summer did not know that girls give them to the bride and that men give them to the groom and she gave hers to the groom. Oops. The weird thing about this wedding is that there was no ceremony announcing the two have been joined in marriage. We think this is because to them marriage is not ordained by God. It is something you do for dowry, property, security, etc. Sophia enjoyed wearing the Tibetan dress, a chuba, because she said she was a Tibetan princess.